The Early Generations
The Pease families of The United States of America, have given much time and collective study in the past 150 years to tracing their antecedent history and have done so with a fierce determination. The fruits of that research have demonstrated quite clearly their links to Great Baddow in Essex. However, in the light of what is now known, I think it correct to admit that there is every doubt, as to whether any of the English branches can rightly claim such an origin in the absence of documentary proof. That being said, being aware there are projects to use DNA analysis as a tool to demonstrate bloodline connections, I submitted myself to such testing. Quite curiously, it seems there is no genetic evidence that illustrates a connection between my own family and that proven line of the American branch. Perhaps we shall never know what the truth is.
For my own part, I remain hopeful that somewhere such an association does exist and in my files, I have presumed to suggest a possible hypothetical link, through an allusive ? Pease, as shown in one of my PDF files but it cannot be trusted at all and really ought be disregarded. Therefore, it is not included in any of my public data. I am therefore bound to say that for the time being, I am aware of no one in my own line that I can be confident of, prior to Edward Pease born c. 1515. His father, John, is shown in notes made by my grandfather (Sir Alfred E. Pease Bt.), and since he did not say any more of him, I think it best he remains marginalised, albeit that grandfather did mention the matter of John having been involved in a plea touching lands in Essex during the reign of Henry VII. Having said that, the evidence, such as it is, appears to suggest a point of common origin to many of the branches of the English Pease families that are currently known.
From the Essex origins, it would seem continued a line within that area, most notably about Great Stambridge, but with a possible line connecting to Norfolk. One other branche stemmed from Great Stambridge, The Sykehouse/Fishlake branch of South Yorkshire, The American branch that amongst other things, could rightly claim the first settlement of Martha's Vineyard and thence to present America, were of Gret Baddow.
From The Sykehouse/Fishlake branch stemmed the Darlington line of the family. There is
mounting evidence to suggest that the Pontefract branch today, is a part of the Sykehouse
line, and from which stems yet another Canadian/American line. From the Darlington line
extends a line to the Bristol Peases, which is conclusive. Equally well and conclusive, is
the line from Sykehouse, that leads to the Great Preston, Woolwich and Hull families.
Also, there might be an 18th century association between Hull and the Cornwall Peases.
Since current research is continuing to reveal more facts pertaining this branch, it
remains for the moment mere supposition that the branch line is correct. However, as this
project continues, they may well be shown to be conclusive.
Allan Pease the Australian author and lecturer, has forwarded his own family links back to England. They show a
link to Attleborough in Norfolk, in the mid 18th century. The earliest date he can so far
provide is a marriage at Attleborough on the 5th October 1755, between Edward Pease and
Sarah Cowle. Robert Pease in America has supplied a stack of information that demonstrates
a link back to Pontefract via Canada, but we are still trying to establish a clear
connection. I do not doubt myself that the information exists, but will need the benefit
of other source material. Robert in fact has conducted some research in Pontefract himself
and has corresponded with Allan Pease of that town. As a consequence of Robert's
introduction, I have corresponded with Allan, and am grateful for all the assistance that
he has offered.
Whilst sorry to find that my hopes (for the time being), of establishing a link with the
American line (however tenuous it was), dashed in the face of fact, I have to admire the
thorough detail that has been acquired by research on the other side of the Atlantic.